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Last updated
Run automated KYC/ KYB processes with the following verifications: business registration, Identity number, bank account, phone number and many more.
Here you'll find all the documentation you need to get up and running with the Akiba APIs
First and foremost, we hope you've received your API keys to access your sandbox account. If not reach out to our team on
With your sandbox API keys, you can jump straight to set up your APIs
If you'd like some inspiration of how you can use our APIs, read some of our
Before you proceed: To get value, make sure you've requested a sandbox access to our APIs from our team before playing around with our APIs.
You can run our API in either sandbox or live production environments. Sandbox allows you to test the API without affecting live customer data or interacting with customer data. Production environment allows you to score and analyse real customer data and is subject to our pricing.
Feeling like an eager beaver? Jump in to our product guideline to see what APIs to expect
Dive a little deeper and start exploring our API reference to get an idea of everything that's possible with the API:
Akiba Digital API Suite offers the capability to automate decisions and gain deeper financial insights to assess customers and prevent fraud.
Use this environment to test your connection
Use this environment for production